Surprising information about Saudi Arabia/Makkah

Surprising information about Saudi Arabia/Makkah

1-: Here, water is expensive, and oil is cheap.
2-: Women have more information about the routes here than men, and women do all the shopping here, but they remain veiled.
3-: The population here is four crores, and the cars are more than nine crores.
4-: The garbage of Makkah city is pressed in the hills 70 km away from the city.
5  .Saudi Arabia has the largest sand desert on Earth.
6-: The zam-zam here goes throughout the year and all over the world, and it is also used here in the whole of Makkah and the whole of Saudi Arabia, and Alhamdulillah, it has never decreased until today.
7-: Only in Makkah, 3 lakh chickens are consumed daily.
-: There is never any quarrel inside Makkah.
9- About 3 million Indians, 1.8 million Pakistanis, 1.6 million Bangladeshis, 4 million Egyptians, 1 million Yemenis, and 3 million people from other countries work in Saudi Arabia.
Think how many people's houses Allah is going to from here.
10-: 7 million ACs are used in Makkah alone.
11-: No crops grow here except dates, yet everything in the world, fruits, vegetables, etc., are found and sold here without any season.
12-: Here in Makkah, 200 quality dates are sold, and there is also a date that does not have a bone or stone.
13: Nothing is sold locally or duplicated in Makkah, even medicine.
14-: There is no river or pond in the whole of Saudi Arabia, yet there is no shortage of water here.
15-: There are no power lines outside in Makkah; they are all underground.
16-: There is no canal or canal in the whole of Makkah.
17-: The best cloth in the world is sold here. While not woven.
18: The government here gives a monthly allowance of 600 to 800 riyals to every studying child.
19-: There is no such thing as deception here.
20-: Here, the money received from the government for development work is fully spent.
21: There is no time for tomato oil here, but if it is sold, sunflower and corn oil are eaten here.
22-: There is no greenery here, i.e., there are no trees, the stacks are dry and black, but there is no problem in breathing; this scientific research is a failure here.
23-: Everything is imported here, yet there is no inflation.

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