
Friends are precious things. He who has sincere friends is richer than every rich person. Understand your honest friends and make them feel so close to you that they don't hesitate to tell you about themselves. Open yourself up to them without hesitation. Please advise, what's the story of them big puppies. He will understand the reason behind my mistake and will support me instead of calling me wrong. Man realizes his mistake. When we do something wrong, our conscience speaks for itself.
When he is not hearing the voice of conscience, will he listen to the voice of a friend ...? Yes, he will stop telling his friend. To understand the friend. Friendship is his name. Friendship is not called good or bad. A friend is a friend. If there is a bad habit in it, it will stay with you and end. Because companionship has an effect, so keep a friend with you in such a way that instead of hiding things, he should open himself up in front of you. The one who hides things will get away from you because the name of the friend is the one from whom we do not have to hide anything. Stop being angry at your friends' mistakes and understand them. Friendships will grow stronger by themselves.

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